Search Google Visually

Today I came across an online tool that allows you to see the screenshot of pages in the google search result. You can give it a try at “


Veesual Result

While I found the concept to be interesting, I was wondering what could be the use of looking at screenshots of pages in search result. What matters to me is getting a list of relevant search results. A thumbnail of a particular page in search result won’t help me in determining how relevant that page is to my search.

However, I do see one use for getting search results along with thumbnails. It can be used to come up with ideas for designing web-sites for a particular theme. You can search on Veesual using a keyword that describes the theme of your site and then take a quick look at the design of pages in the result. This can help you to come up with your own web-page design.

Do let me know if you can think of some more applications of